Absorve-me mas em várias fracções

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2022

True love destroys? And creats

True Love is measured in transformation. As true love is alchemy. Like chemistry, their meeting leaves them both forever altered and they can never go back to who they were before they met. They are forever changed and change isn't always easy and rose tinted glasses.

Change is growth, friction, reaction and above all growth pains.

True Love is not just sweet and tender, which of course it is,

It is also passion, heat and burning desire, what burns must endure pain. And the pain is a major catalyst for change.

True Love is not black and white,

It is a myriad of colors and hues like a kaleidoscopic splendor of various emotions ranging through the entire emotional spectrum.

True Love changes our lives and shows us our true colors.

True Love forces us to become authentic and transparent,

It shakes off anything that is not true to the soul. Every pattern, program, belief and anything out of alignment with who we truly are as a soul is challenged,

brought to the surface and transmuted into something pure,

something new, altered, yet at the core being more true to the self than ever before.

True Love forgives and allows the entirety of our being so we feel comfortable revealing our shadows and stand naked in the light of love. Shadows which aren't always pretty, but they call out for our love and integration.

True Love embraces the shadows and holds space for them to become part of the whole.

True Love is beyond unconditional, it is divine.

It loves without agenda and it transforms the pain of expansion with tender love and care.

True Love is alchemy,

it's spiritual, it is yin and yang flowing in and out of one another in a unified field creating a third energy beyond the two lovers,

True Love is destruction and creation. Dark and Light.

It is Shiva and Shakti,

True Love is tantra,

Sexual alchemy.

True Love is transformation.

- Ulf Haukenes



3 comentários:

Odeio as almas estreitas, sem bálsamo e sem veneno, feitas sem nada de bondade e sem nada de maldade.Nietzsche
Deixa aqui algum bálsamo.