Absorve-me mas em várias fracções

sexta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2023

Awareness is about unlearning.

“Awareness is about unlearning. It is the recognition that you don’t know as much as you thought you knew.” ~Scott Adams

Mastery is just as illusory is it is useful. Don’t allow it to kill your quest for truth. Let the life-death-rebirth process come alive inside you. Resurrect Beginner’s Mind. Keep the flow state flowing. Keep the fountainhead resonating. Keep the Truth Quest always ahead of the “truth.”

For a true seeker, there is no settled state. There is no final stage. There is always something more to learn. There is always some “answer” that needs to be questioned. Mastery is always recyclable. The journey is always the thing. The sword is always sharpened dullness. The diamond is always pressurized coal. As James Hillman said, “the pearl is also always grit, an irritation as well as a luster.”

Mastery must be discarded on the funeral pyre of muscle memory lest it become the dogma that kills your journey. Feel the mastery, love it, relish being in awe and overwhelmed with gratitude for it. But then let it go. Surrender it to Cosmos. Practice detachment. When you’re attached to nothing, you’re connected to everything.

Written by Gary Z McGee

Image: Devotio by Aeforia



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Odeio as almas estreitas, sem bálsamo e sem veneno, feitas sem nada de bondade e sem nada de maldade.Nietzsche
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