Absorve-me mas em várias fracções

sábado, 3 de setembro de 2022

Self inflicted

“He is a sane man who can have tragedy in his heart and comedy in his head.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

Count coup on yourself. It is a next-level mind hack that can change everything.

It’s a metaphor for humorously shocking yourself into wakefulness by questioning your perception of reality to the nth degree. It’s a way of sneaking up on your fear and certainty and giving them a little smack with your coup stick.

When you’re counting coup on yourself, you’re counting coup on that which is unhealthy, certain, cowardly, extreme, and fearful within you. You’re counting coup on that which is rigid and dogmatic in your worldview. When you count coup on fear, certainty, and extremism, you do it so that vitality, courage, and adaptability can emerge. You do it so that you may, as Thoreau advised, “Live deliberately.”

Unfucking the world begins at home. If you count coup on yourself again and again, you might earn the right to count coup on the world. Indeed, with enough practice you might even earn the right to count coup on the gods.

Written by Gary Z McGee

Image: Elk Deity by Graham Yarrington



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Odeio as almas estreitas, sem bálsamo e sem veneno, feitas sem nada de bondade e sem nada de maldade.Nietzsche
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