Absorve-me mas em várias fracções

sexta-feira, 21 de abril de 2023

“Without problems, we are deprived of our ability to solve them.” ~Fabrice Midal

Life is less about comfort, security, and sunshine and more about how well you tolerate discomfort, insecurity, and darkness. Don’t avoid discomfort at the expense of growth. Don’t repress insecurity at the expense of vulnerability. Don’t avoid the darkness at the expense of seeing the light.

Forget about winning the war. The war cannot be won. Death will always have the final say. Focus on winning battles. Life exists in struggle. It exists in thriving despite entropy.

Life is difficult. Life is offensive. Life is pain. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something. The real question is this: How will you respond? How will you transform the difficulty, the offense, and the pain into something empowering? How do you use it to sharpen yourself into a finer instrument?

Written by Gary Z McGee




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Odeio as almas estreitas, sem bálsamo e sem veneno, feitas sem nada de bondade e sem nada de maldade.Nietzsche
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